Nolan Bock

Nolan Bock

Software Engineer working on digital signal processing for L3Harris.

About Me

My software interests include robotics, autonomous vehicles, and digital signal processing.


Colorful Image Colorization expansion

Fully automatic approach that produces vibrant and realistic colorization from grayscale input

Echo Bot

Mobile robot that navigates through a maze to a sound


AI Minesweeper solver that solves 9x9 and 16x16 boards. Formulated as a constraint satisfaction problem


Assistive robotic pick and place

Robotic arm attachment for a wheelchair

AI Minesweeper solver

Minesweeper as a constraint satisfaction problem

One small step for Kerbal...

A library of scripts for robotic missions in space using the Kerbal Space Program simulator

Roborace event 1.1

An autonomous vehicle racing league that I participate in with my team, MIT Driverless


L3Harris Technologies

Software Engineer, May 2021 - Present

Khoury College of Computer Sciences

Teaching Assistant, January 2020 - May 2021

MIT Driverless

Software Engineer, September 2020 - May 2021


Languages & Frameworks

C++, C#, C, JavaScript, Java, Python, React, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Bash, SQL, CSS, HTML


Linux, Windows, MacOS


Robotic Operating System, Gazebo, Ubuntu, OMPL, Docker, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microservices, API design, Agile / Scrum