My software interests include robotics, autonomous vehicles, and digital signal processing.
Fully automatic approach that produces vibrant and realistic colorization from grayscale input
Mobile robot that navigates through a maze to a sound
AI Minesweeper solver that solves 9x9 and 16x16 boards. Formulated as a constraint satisfaction problem
Robotic arm attachment for a wheelchair
Minesweeper as a constraint satisfaction problem
A library of scripts for robotic missions in space using the Kerbal Space Program simulator
An autonomous vehicle racing league that I participate in with my team, MIT Driverless
Software Engineer, May 2021 - Present
Teaching Assistant, January 2020 - May 2021
Software Engineer, September 2020 - May 2021
C++, C#, C, JavaScript, Java, Python, React, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Bash, SQL, CSS, HTML
Linux, Windows, MacOS
Robotic Operating System, Gazebo, Ubuntu, OMPL, Docker, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microservices, API design, Agile / Scrum