Nolan Bock

Nolan Bock

Software Engineer working on digital signal processing for L3Harris.

Roborace event 1.1

Posted on November 16, 2020

Driverless takes on Roborace

A team I’m on, MIT Driverless, competed in Roborace Event 1.1 last weekend. The goal of roborace is to drive a fully autonomous vehicle around a race track as quickly as you can. Cars don’t race against each other, but compete in a time trial style race. The twist: there are power ups and obstacles like in Mario Kart that, if your car collects, you get race penalties or time deductions.


Want to see more?

Check out the race, our time starts at 3:09:00.
Want to learn more? Kylie on our perception team made a video! Subscribe to her page!
Check out our team page
Learn more about Roborace
We’re also competing in the Indy Autonomous Challenge, a multi-agent indy autonomous car racing series.