Nolan Bock

Nolan Bock

Software Engineer working on digital signal processing for L3Harris.

One small step for Kerbal...

Posted on November 17, 2020

Journey to the Mun and beyond

Using the space simulator, Kerbal Space Program, and a modification called Kerbal Operating System, I created an autopilot mission that launches from the “Earth” (called Kerbin), establishes a circular orbit, calculates and executes a Hohmann Transfer, executes a capture burn around the moon (called Mun), and finally executes a burn to bring the ship to a stop as it makes contact with the Mun.

Check out a video of the mission by clicking below!

KSP mission

Library of space missions

I’m developing a library for Kerbal Space Program missions, feel free to extend it if you’re interested! Built into each mission are some functions for orbital transfers and orbital mechanics in general. A good example of the type of calculation that needs to be done during a mission is a Hohmann Transfer, which calculates a one-time transfer burn between one celestial body and another body’s sphere of influence.